We www.ready2reading.com maintain a high level of the privacy policy for our visitors, You can go through the details below to know more about our privacy policy statement.
Data of users that this site collects
User data that we collect is only the user’s name, and email address to identify the user only to avoid creating a fake account. We are verifying through email address but remember that your data is safe. We are using an SSL certificate for secure browsing also which means it helps you to avoid a hacking attack.
For registration, we are taking only your email addresses and nothing else to identify you. Your email address is very much safe here, we will not disclose it to anyone. We are ensuring you about this.
When you left any comment here is this site we are taking your name, email address, user’s IP address, website address (user’s choice) and a browser user agent to avoid spamming. It is also safe. We are not misusing any of your data. You are completely safe. Your profile picture is visible to others and your comment is published automatically, there is no need for any kind of approval from our site.
But if any comment has any kind of link or other spamming issues, we will delete it as soon as we can identify it. So, do not make any spam comment is this site.
Though we do not have any option for anyone to post you can submit via email to our admin. You are requested not to use any copyrighted images, if it is very necessary to use please give them credit by using the original image link. After publishing any image any user over the internet can download it, it is open to all. So, do not submit any media to publish that you do not want to show to anybody.
Contact form
To communicate with the site owner or admin you can use the Contact us page. Here we are requested to give email address and name also. But remember that it is also safe here to submit. We confirm that we will not misuse your name and email address.
While Blog posting
We are taking your name, email address and Bkash mobile number if only you are interested to post your blog here on this site. We are ensuring you again that it is very much safe here. We are not disclosing your contact number to anyone, Bkash number is only for payment purposes to the writer.
If you leave any comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in our cookies. This is only for future reference; you do not need to fill in your details again and again. It is also safe; nobody will have this data for misuse.
Embedded content from other websites
Articles on our site may include embedded content. Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website. This website may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and logged into that website.
Analytics and Microsoft Clarity
We are using some analytic tools like Google Analytics/Microsoft clarity tools or many other analytic tools to improve our service and marketing. Users don’t have any chance to get harmed by this. These tools just take user behaviour while visiting our website.
Who we share your data
We will share your data with the government for any legal issues. We may use some advertising network, they can also collect your data
How long we retain your data
If you leave a comment here it will last for till the website can survive but users who are registered here can see, edit, and delete their information whenever they want.
Source: Lite speed-cache
This site utilises caching in order to facilitate a faster response time and a better experience. It potentially stores a duplicate copy of every webpage that is on display on this site. All cache files are temporary and never accessed by any third party, except as necessary to obtain technical support from the cache plugin vendor. It expires on a schedule set by the site admin, but may easily be purged by the admin before its natural expiration, if necessary.
Link Shortener
Sometimes we use a link shortener service to short or link and may share to other or may share via social communication pages which is totally harmless, it only redirects to our site.
Plugins that we use
Sometimes we may use some plugins for better service which may collect data from our site but they are not sharing your data with any third party as per their terms and condition.
What right do you have over your data
If you have an account here or if you leave a comment you can request us anytime to delete forever by our contact us page. We value your request and do the same as per your request. We will not store anything about you or your information.
Our Contact information
Anyone can contact us through contact us page or email to us directly through itsmamun@gmail.com or call us directly by +8801714 171765.
How we protect your data
We protect your data safe and sound through our server.
Advertisement and Affiliate Links
Some content, blog or page may contain some advertisement or affiliation links etc, users are not enforce to click there but if anyone clicks by themselves or purchase anything from there, this site owner can get small commissions from that site visitors do not have any right to claim any portion from the commission. This commission can be claimed by this site owner only.